| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereBlender 3D Creation Suite – an IntroductionDescriptionImmerse yourself the world of 3D Modelling with our dynamic introductory course using Blender, one of the most powerful open-source 3D Desing software packages available. You will learn to create 3D models, lighting, texturing, and sculpting, as well as produce both still images and animations for use in other applications. This course is ideal for the absolute beginner, so join us and start your 3D Modelling adventure. DescriptionImmerse yourself the world of 3D Modelling with our dynamic introductory course using Blender, one of the most powerful open-source 3D Desing software packages available. You will learn to create 3D models, lighting, texturing, and sculpting, as well as produce both still images and animations for use in other applications. This course is ideal for the absolute beginner, so join us and start your 3D Modelling adventure. |