Animation - an IntroductionAnimation - an IntroductionSAS - Animation - An Introduction (Stage 1) Autumn 2024Description*Note there is no session on 5 October and 2 November due to AUB Open Days This exciting course has been specifically developed for young animators aged 12–15 that are taking their first steps in the world of animation or have some previous experience. With expert guidance from their tutor, we’ll help them harness their creativity, artistic knowledge, and gain confidence in creating and sharing their work.
SAS - Animation - An Introduction (Stage 1) Spring 2025DescriptionThis exciting course has been specifically developed for young animators aged 12–15 that are taking their first steps in the world of animation or have some previous experience. With expert guidance from their tutor, we’ll help them harness their creativity, artistic knowledge, and gain confidence in creating and sharing their work.