| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereDigital Character DesignDescriptionCarefully designed for students aged 10-12 years, this exciting Saturday Art School course adds another dimension to creativity that will allow young learners to explore how to design and generate compelling digital characters. DescriptionCarefully designed for students aged 10-12 years, this exciting Saturday Art School course adds another dimension to creativity that will allow young learners to explore how to design and generate compelling digital characters. Description Carefully designed for students aged 10-12 years, this exciting Saturday Art School course adds another dimension to creativity that will allow young learners to explore how to design and generate compelling digital characters. DescriptionCarefully designed for students aged 10-12 years, this exciting Saturday Art School course adds another dimension to creativity that will allow young learners to explore how to design and generate compelling digital characters. |